Some special things to know about Jessie –
- Jessie wrote her own Haggadah, and rewrote it and rewrote it again, many times. It was important to her that it describe the shared human need and right to freedom, that it not just be a Jewish story. And she led many family seders emphasizing those values.
- Jessie wrote a memory book about her parents and early life, it was important to her to honor her parents and all they were so that later generations could appreciate their extraordinary and loving journey.
- Jessie wrote major legislation that became law.
- Jessie wrote many tributes and eulogies, including for her parents and brother.
- Jessie spoke Yiddish as her first language, and continued to study especially in her later life.
- She spoke Spanish poorly but without hesitation. Her Chinese was better, also spoken without hesitation, though Yiddish words sometimes crept in.
- Jessie wrote poems for her loved ones.
- Jessie played the piano and read music. She sang poorly but with gusto and delight.
- Jessie painted and sculpted.
- Jessie knitted and crocheted beautifully.
- Jessie sewed many baby clothes for her kids and dresses for her daughter.
- Jessie testified before Congress and the White House.
- Jessie met Presidents and First Ladies, Senators and Congressmen and women.
- Jessie took adventures by herself, more than once driving across the U.S. by herself.
- In her heyday, Jessie could type 120 words per minute.
- Jessie took her kids on fabulous vacations.
- Jessie bought extravagant presents.
- Jessie quizzed her daughter in preparation for her law school exams and taught her children to write, to really write.
- Jessie had, and wore, a sari, a dashiki, and a 10-strand necklace of large, undulating, silver fish.
- Jessie made everyone feel special and loved.
- Jessie could make everything better.